Tip Sheets
Before and After School Activities
- The National Center for Safe Routes to School (2011). “How Children Get to School: School Travel Patterns from 1969 to 2009.” guide.saferoutesinfo.org/introduction/the_decline_of_walking_and_bicycling.cfm
- 100 Mile Club: 100mileclub.org
- Just Run: justrun.org
- Girls on the Run: girlsontherun.org
- YMCA: ymca.net
- Boys & Girls Clubs: bgca.org
- CATCH Kids Club: catchinfo.org
- SPARK PE: sparkpe.org/curriculum/spark-curriculum-after-school-curriculum/
- Playworks: playworks.org/services/
- Focused Fitness Fab 5: focusedfitness.org
- National Walk or Bike to School Day: walkbiketoschool.org
- Safe Routes Partnership: saferoutespartnership.org/safe-routes-school
- National Center for Safe Routes to School: saferoutesinfo.org
- Walking School Bus or Bicycle Train: walkingschoolbus.org
Movement in the Classroom at School
- http://www.yoga4classrooms.com/benefits-of-yoga-in-schools
- J.B. Madigan. “Action-Based Learning: Building Better Brains through Movement.” http://abllab.com/wp-content/themes/abl/doc/abl-handout.pdf
- “Physical Activity in Schools, Resources and Case Studies to Implement HB11-1069.” LiveWell Colorado Webinar – August 16, 2011
- Go Noodle: gonoodle.com
- Energizing Brain Breaks: energizingbrainbreaks.com
- Brain Gym: braingym.org
- My School in Motion: myschoolinmotion.org
- Yoga Foster: yogafoster.org
- Yoga Health Foundation: yogahealthfoundation.org
- Yoga 4 Classrooms: yoga4classrooms.com
- Yoga Kids: yogakids.com
- Active Academics: activeacademics.org
- Take 10!: take10.net
- Colorado Education Initiative – “Take a Break! Teacher Toolbox – Physical Activity Breaks in the Secondary Classroom”
Healthy Fundraisers
- National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity. “Sweet Deals: School Fundraisers can be Healthy and Profitable.”
- Center for Science in the Public Interest: cspinet.org/sites/default/files/attachment/schoolfundraising_0.pdf
Healthy Non-food Rewards
- Kubik M., Lytle L., Story M. “Schoolwide Food Practices Are Associated with Body Mass Index in Middle School Students.” Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 2005, vol. 159, pp. 1111‐1114.
Nutrition Education & Promotion
- Rauzon, S., Wang, M., Studer, N. and Crawford, P. “Changing Students’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior in Relation to Food: An Evaluation of the School Lunch Initiative.” Dr. Robert C. and Veronica Atkins Center for Weight and Health, University of California, Berkeley. 2010.
- NHLBI, We Can & Go, Slow, Whoa: nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/wecan/eat-right/
- USDA My Plate: ChooseMyPlate.gov
- Kids Health: kidshealth.org/classroom
- USDA Nibbles for Health Nutrition Newsletters: fns.usda.gov/tn/nibbles
- The Edible Schoolyard Project: edibleschoolyard.org
- National Gardening Association: kidsgardening.org
- Slow Food USA: gardens.slowfoodusa.org
- Grow to Learn NYC: growtolearn.org/resources/
- USDA School Garden Fact Sheet: fns.usda.gov/cfs/school-gardens
- USDA Farm to School Resources: fns.usda.gov/cfs/farm-school-resources#SchoolGardening
- National Farm to School Network: farmtoschool.org
- Share Our Strength & Cooking Matters: NoKidHungry.org
- Feeding America: feedingamerica.org/hunger-blog/how-to-tell-if-a-child-is
- Montana Food Bank Network: mfbn.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/DefChronHungryKids.pdf
Recess for Learning
- The State of Play, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
- http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/article/recess-makes-kids-smarter
- http://www.playworks.org/research-reveals-playworks-reduces-bullying
- http://www.peacefulplaygrounds.com/pdf/benefits-of-recess-before-lunch.pdf
- SHAPE America: shapeamerica.org/recess
- Playworks: playworks.org
- Inclusive strategies: playworks.org/resource/tips-for-making-play-inclusive/
- KaBOOM: kaboom.org
- Peaceful Playgrounds: peacefulplaygrounds.com
Healthy School Snacks
- Center for Young Women’s Health, Boston Children’s Hospital, http://www.youngwomenshealth.org/healthy_snack_attack.html
- “State of the Plate – 2010 Study on America’s Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables,” Produce for Better Health Foundation.
- http://www.fruitsandveggiesmorematters.org/dietary-guidelines-for-americans
- American Heart Association, https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-eating/eat-smart/sugar/added-sugars
- P.A.C.K. Week: fruitsandveggies.org/stories/pack-week/
- Eat a Rainbow: wholekidsfoundation.org/kids-club/eat-a-rainbow
- Go, Slow, Whoa: nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/wecan/eat-right/choosing-foods.htm
- 5-2-1-0: letsgo.org
- USDA MyPlate: choosemyplate.gov
- USDA Smart Snacks: fns.usda.gov/school-meals/tools-schools-focusing-smart-snacks
Host a Healthy Winter Holiday Celebration
- https://www.pinterest.com/pin/66217056999573393
- http://www.momables.com/10-healthy-holiday-treats-for-the-classroom/
- https://www.pinterest.com/pin/415175659368329546/
- http://www.nobiggie.net/25-indoor-winter-activities-for-kids/
- https://www.homeroommom.com/post/308-healthy-festive-snacks-for-your-winter-classroom-party
- http://www.teachhub.com/classroom-games-winter-brain-breaks
- https://www.pinterest.com/pin/233694668140186141/
- https://www.edutopia.org/discussion/5-educational-winter-games-any-grade-school-classroom
The Learning Connection
- Michael SL, Merlo CL, Basch CE, Wentzel KR, Wechsler H. Critical connections: health and academics. J Sch Health. 2015;85(11):740-758.
- Datar A, Sturm R, Magnabosco JL. Childhood overweight and academic performance: national study of kindergartners and first-graders. Obesity. 2004;12(1): 58-68.
- Murphy JM, Pagano ME, Nachmani J, Sperling P, Kane S, Kleinman RE. The relationship of school breakfast to psychosocial and academic functioning: cross-sectional and longitudinal observations in an inner-city school sample. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 1998;152(9):899–907.
- Khan NA, Raine LB, Drollette ES, Scudder MR, Kramer AF, Hillman CH. Dietary Fiber Is Positively Associated with Cognitive Control among Prepubertal Children. The Journal of Nutrition. 2015;145(1):143-149. doi:10.3945/jn.114.198457
- Zhang, J., Herbert, J., and Muldoon, M. Dietary fat intake is associated with psychosocial and cognitive functioning of school-aged children in the united states. The Journal of Nutrition. 2005; 135(8): 1967-73.
- Trudeau F, Shepard RJ. Physical education, school physical activity, school sports and academic performance. The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2008;5:10.
- Fowler-Brown, A., Ngo, L., Phillips, R., and Wee, C. Adolescent obesity and future college degree attainment. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2009; 18(6): 1235-41.
- Rasberry C, Tui G, Kann L, et al. Health-Related Behaviors and Academic Achievement Among High School Students– United States, 2015. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; September 8, 2017
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